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Aluminium allure

Experts warn that using ACP without being cautious of quality could invite serious problems to the building.

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The demand for aluminium composite panels (ACP) cladding is in creasing in urban areas owing to the fact that the procedure is less time consuming and more aesthetically appealing. Most commercial and office buildings are now seen using ACP cladding for the front façade, though people also use it for interior walls, partitions, false ceilings, et cetera. ACP is a type of flat panel that consists of two thin aluminium sheets bonded to a non-aluminium core.

“The trend of using ACP cladding in commercial buildings is gaining momentum as it can be completed in one-third the time it would take to construct using plaster. Hence, more people are opting for this technique despite the high cost,“ says Shyam Sundar Maharjan, managing director of Ganesh Aluminium Structure Pvt Ltd. ACP is gaining popularity as the colour does not fade, the panels are readymade, come in numerous colour options and look very stylish. However, experts warn that if it is not installed properly by qualified and experienced professionals, it can invite seepage, and leakage that could even cause problems for the whole building.

ACP can be installed in two ways -wall cladding and tray bending system. Wall cladding is the most popular installation practice in Nepal, where the panels are placed between hallow metal tube section by taking support from a brick wall. Silicone is used to join the panels. “Wall cladding is easier to install and the rate is comparatively lower than tray bending system. Since, people here are more conscious about the cost than the quality, wall cladding is mostly preferred in Nepal,“ opines Maharjan. However, he adds that the builders need to use high quality silicone because otherwise the building will face problems of seepages and leakages within three to four years of time. This is because low grade silicone tends to peel off after a certain year.

Agreeing with Maharjan, Binod Rajkarnikar, chief engineer at Sky Light Pvt Ltd (SLPL), says, “We import and work with ACP from Thailand which is 25 to 30 per cent costlier than similar products that can be procured in India.“ Stating that they only use the tray bending system to ensure durability and quality, Rajkarnikar says, “For tray bending system or box system, we bend ACP to a match box like structure and place it in the alu minium section. This system is relatively more time consuming and costlier but comes with the assurance that the construction will not be riddled with any kind of problem for at least 15 to 20 years.“ He further informs that they only use high that they only use high quality special silicone for proper sealing.

The price of the Indian ACP brands cost Rs 300 to Rs 350 per sq ft whereas the Thai brands cost Rs 400 to Rs 500 per sq ft.ACPs are available in different colours and sizes. According to Maharjan, bright silver is the most liked colour in the market, although many shades like off-white, brown, silver blue, copper, champagne grey, silver, et cetera are also readily available. The thickness of the panels varies from one mm, 2.5 mm, three mm, four mm, five mm and six mm. For the façade, Maharjan recommends three mm panels with 0.25 mm thick aluminium sheet. Panels of five mm and six mm are recommended for partitions.

While Alright, Alestone, Whin sui, Alutuff, et cetera are the Indian ACP brands available in the market, the Thai brand that is imported by SLPL is Atis.ACP is a relatively new technique that was introduced to Nepal some years back, finding skilled workmen for installing the panels poses a major challenge according to the businessmen. “Due to a lack of qualified professionals in the country, most companies in this business hire workforce from India. We, however, have our permanent staff trained in Thailand,“ explains Maharjan.

Ravi Khetan, CEO of Doors `n' Windows, claims that they are the first company to offer ACP installation in the country. Stating that the work of ACP installation sped up some three years ago, Khetan says, “With the real estate sector and the national economy in turmoil, the business has been badly affected.Hence, the momentum has slowed down a bit these days.“

Because of the unfavourable situation facing the realty and the entire nation, Rajkarnikar says they have put their plans to introduce stainless steel composite panels (SSCP) on hold for now. Such panels would be priced double the cost of ACP , but would be more durable and more attractive as one can have it engraved with their choice of designs.

source: The Himalayan Times,16 March 2013



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