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Chandeliers -Exquisite, Elegant and Affordable

Chandeliers Reflect A Sense Of Wealth and Bring Grandeur To The Room

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A Kathmandu comfortable home cannot only be ac quired through archi tectural design, furni ture selection and accessories that fill up the space.Artistic lighting with a professional touch does wonders for any room.
The primary function of light is to enlighten the space. However, according to interior designers, lighting adds beauty to the space enhances existing interior elements and changes the atmosphere of the surroundings. Among the many artistic designs, chandeliers are considered one of the most glamorous centerpieces of a room.

"Having chandeliers reflects a sense of wealth and brings grandeur to the room. Previously, they were popular in hotels and in the homes of affluent people. Today, people from different strata are also opting for these spectacular chandeliers," says Binay Shah, managing director of Electric Light System Pvt Ltd at Putalisadak. According to Shah, the proper choice of chandelier can make a big difference in an inexpensively decorated room. It adds class and gives a sense of luxury.

There are different types of chandeliers available in the market crystal, metal and steel. They come with large sizes having many bulbs and tubes lighting up the room with stylish colours, elegant style and heart stealing beauty.
"Capable of impressing absolutely anybody, chandeliers have been winning the hearts of people by creating the perfect light setting and ambience throughout," says Suman Shrestha, proprietor of Light House at Sundhara. According to Shrestha, be fore hanging chandeliers, some factors should be considered like height of the ceiling and size and colour of a room. Taller ceilings demand larger chandeliers and so vice versa for lower ceilings. For a 10X12 sq ft room, a 12 inch chandelier is appropri ate. People are opting for chan deliers that contrast to the colour of the room. For example, in par quet room, antique chandelier compliments other interior décor.Similarly, all types of chandeliers suit white walls.

"People are opting for crystal chandeliers as they are best for aesthetics and establish a conver gence point inside a room that visitors cannot overlook. Moreover they reflect the personal style of the homeowner since they come in a whole range of designs. Likewise, they are truly flexible furnishings that could adapt well to any room," says Basanta Poudel, owner of Exclusive Light Show Room at Sundhara. Crystal chandeliers are also most preferred by hotels and gumbas. Residences are now also opting for the crystal chandeliers.

Australian and Egyptian crystal chandeliers are the most stylish and alluring as compared to products from Belgium, China and India. Crystals come in different colours like yellow, blue, red, purple and pink and it is believed that they provide different benefits in many aspects including health.
For instance, white crystal stones promote cleansing and purification, yellow crystal stones are said to better regulate the functions of the nervous, digestive and immune systems, while light blue crystal stones could strengthen communication.

Talking about the disadvantages, Poudel says, it is quite difficult to clean the crystals and it is not electricity efficient, as it does not take CFL bulbs, but holds normal bulbs.The price of these chandeliers depends on the size, and manufacturing company. They range from Rs 25,000 to Rs 1,250,000.Beside crystal chandelier, steel chandeliers coated with gold and silver are gaining popularity among Nepalis, as they are less expensive when compared to crystal chandeliers.

The main advantage of the latter over the former is the use of CFL bulbs that are regarded as the best option in Nepal which faces prolonged hours of power cuts.

The price of steel and metal chandelier range from Rs 15,000 to Rs 50, 000. Cleaning tips eglecting the crystals can make N your expensive chandelier look cheap, and improper cleaning can actually ruin the crystals and the frame.

Here are the basic guidelines to follow when cleaning chandeliers:

1. The most important thing to re member when you are cleaning your chandelier is to be careful.The crys tals can easily be scratched or other wise damaged.
2. Always use a soft cotton cloth. Paper towels and disposable dusting cloths can scratch the crystals.
3. Never spray cleaner directly on the chandelier ­ you can damage the fin ish of the frame and leave marks on the crystal.
4. There are rumours that it's safe to put chandelier crystals in the dish washer on the top shelf.This is not safe, and you should never try it! 5. If you are clumsy or easily get dizzy, invest in inexpensive, collapsible scaf folding. It is safer than a ladder and does not take up much storage space in your garage or shed.
6. Before you start taking apart an in tricate chandelier, take several pic tures with a digital camera from dif ferent angles if you do not have the original diagram. Never use stickers or markers to mark pieces.


source: The Himalayan Times(2011) ,"Chandeliers -Exquisite, Elegant and Affordable", The Himalayan Times, 5 Feb 2011



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