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The benefits of using an estate agent and estate agent training in Nepal

An estate agent will know the right words for presenting the property for sale or to let, thus speeding up the transaction.

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Selling quickly and with peace of mind
An estate agent takes care of every step for you and remains available at all times. His network of contacts enables him at the same time to offer your property to targeted potential buyers and to advertise it on a large scale so that a wide audience is reached.
Present on all fronts

His availability is absolute and is far greater than that of any private individual involved in the transaction. In addition, the communications resources at his disposal enable him to easily and quickly use all the advertising media. When you are absent, an estate agent remains at your service and at the service of the people interested in buying or renting your property.

One of his assets is his experience of the property market. This knowledge enables him to estimate the fair price to ask for letting, selling or buying a property, thereby helping to arrive at a swifter conclusion to the transaction. Paid by the owner, he aims to obtain the maximum price within a reasonable period, his fees often being lower than the concessions made by an owner who is poorly informed or tired of having his property visited; moreover, having valued the property himself and given his experience, his conviction remains stronger than that of the private individual, who is generally less sure of himself. Valuing a residential property is difficult, with factors such as changing tastes and other market realities having to be taken into account. This knowledge is undoubtedly a key asset.

Professional negotiator
An estate agent will know the right words for presenting the property for sale or to let, thus speeding up the transaction. Nor is it easy to reconcile the interests of buyer and seller, since negotiation is an art that requires a precise knowledge of each party's limits if an opportunity is not to be missed.

Psychology and efficiency
An estate agent's knowledge of his clients enables him to categorise non-professionals according to budgetary criteria among others. This avoids the pointless visits that the private individual selling or letting his property himself has to endure.

Administrative expertise
The agent's professionalism enables him to take the sometimes niggling formalities of property transactions in his stride. He will also assist you in the steps connected with the sale or letting, dealings with bankers and notaries, etc.

REMA (Real Estate Marketing Agent) training in Nepal
Anyone wishing to practise as an estate agent can take part in REMA training, professional real estate agent training course conducted by Brihat Investment.It has successfully completed first and second REMA course and is soon going to conduct training for third batch starting from 19  to 24 september, 2010.

For more inquiry regarding REMA training:

Brihat Investment Pvt. Ltd.
Tel. : 977-1-4282086,4286821



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