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Vaastu for home

Complete Vaastu recommendation for home

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The kitchen ideally, should be towards South-East, the direction of God of Fire. Alternatively, it can located in the North West. Cook should face the East or North. All items pertaining to fire or heat should be installed in the South-East corner. The Main-switch, generators etc. should be located in the South-East corner of the house.

Treasury & Strong Room

Wealth and cash should be stored in the North. The person should face towards north when storing or retreiving cash.

Puja Room

The Puja Room should be located in the North East direction. Alternatively, it can located in the North or East direction. While worshipping, the person should face the East. Idols should not exceed 6 inches in height. One should not sleep in the Puja Room. This direction is ideal for Water storage. Thus underground water tanks, filter etc. should be kept in this direction.


The main bedroom should be located in the South. If the bedroom is located in the North, there would be unrest in the family. The bed should be placed in such a way that while sleeping, the head is towards the South. Alternatively, head can face towards the West. One should never sleep with legs towards the South. The inmates should not take meals in the bedroom otherwise they will suffer bad health, especially while they sit on the bed while eating. Divine idols should not be kept in the bedroom.

Jewellery, Heavy Equipment

Jewellery should be kept facing the South. It results increase in wealth. All heavy machines, equipments etc. should be kept in this part of the house. Old goods can also be stored in this direction.

Dining Hall

Dining Room should be towards the West as it is ruled by Saturn and it is in the way of Bhooteshwara, the symbolic representation of the hungry. It trees are to be planted in the premises, they can be planted in this direction i.e. the West.


The bathroom should ideally be located in the East. Alternatively, it can be located in the North-West. But the bathroom should never be located in the North East. Wash basin etc. should be mounted on the Eastern wall of the bathroom. Geyser should be installed in the South-East corner.

Study or Children's Room

Children's room can be located in this corner i.e. the North West. The study room can also be located in this direction. Water Tank on the Roof of the house should located in this direction. This direction is also ideal for Cattle and Granary store.


The length of the land should not be more than twice the breadth. The land should not be too porous i.e. should not absorb water very fast. The slope of the land should be such that water flows towards North-East. The slope of the roof should be such that water should flow towards North or East. The house should not be constructed on the land which is a dead end.


The Main-Gate should have two panels. The main door should not open inside the house. The doors in the house should not be noisy. The total number of doors, windows and ventilators in the house should be even in number for eg. 2, 4, 6 etc. but should not end with a 0 i.e. 10, 20 etc. If the front door frame is painted black, then the owner might have to face hardship. If the door has cracks or is too old, then the owner will have a tough time gaining respect in society.


If the steps leading to the entrance are damaged or broken, then the master of the house will face problems with his career and his expenses will soar. The staircase should ascend clockwise. The total no. of steps should be such that on division by 3, a remainder of 2 should be obtained for eg. 7, 11, 17 etc.


Bright colours should not be used in the house. Cold and light colours should be used for painting the house. Paintings or photographs depicting war, sad faces, birds like owl, crow, pegion, erotic pictures etc. should not be used for decoration in the house.



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