Insurance Board has amended 'Investment Directive for Insurer ' paving way for insurance companies to invest in the stock of listed companies and real estate sector. As per the amended Investment Directive for Insurer-2075, the insurance companies can invest up to 5 percent of their total technical reserve in the real estate sector.
Similarly, the companies can invest up to 10 percent of its total technical reserve in ordinary shares of listed companies. However, such amount should not exceed 5 percent of their paid-up capital.
Similarly, the insurance companies can invest up to 20 percent of total technical reserve or 10 percent of paid-up capital in preference share and debenture of any 'A' 'B' and 'C' listed BFIs.
Moreover, the companies can invest up to 20 percent in debenture and share capital each of public companies operating agriculture, tourism and hydropower companies.
source:, 14 March 2019